What is the tidyverse?

The tidyverse is a package in R that is - in itself - a collection of individual R packages that all work closely together in the same way (they speak thesame kind of language, if you will). Data import & export, manipulation, exploration and visualization becomes simpler and more elegant by using new and additional syntax which is more intuitive to and readable for us humans.

The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures. www.tidyverse.org

The tidyverse is a toolkit of functionality that is perfect for data scientists. Working with the tidyverse makes your code more intuitive and easy to read and understand. The tidyverse offers a more elegant way to approach the most common data science problems and is widely used today.

tidyverse logo

You can install the tidyverse via install.packages("tidyverse") and you only have to install it once. Check the prompt for the resulting output.

# installs the tidyverse

# loads the tidyverse
## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.2 --
## v ggplot2 3.3.6     v purrr   0.3.4
## v tibble  3.1.8     v dplyr   1.0.9
## v tidyr   1.2.0     v stringr 1.4.0
## v readr   2.1.2     v forcats 0.5.1
## -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Contents of the tidyverse

We’re going to briefly discuss the core contents of the tidyverse, what you might use these packages for and I’ll provide links to the respective documentation as well.

You will definitely not need to know and understand all of these packages, but I am sure that you will love using the functionality that these packages provide.

The core tidyverse includes the packages that you’re likely to use in everyday data analyses. As of tidyverse 1.3.0, the following packages are included in the core tidyverse:

ggplot2 logo

ggplot2 (visualization)

ggplot2 is a system to create beautiful graphics, based on what they call the grammar of graphics. You provide the data, tell ggplot2 how to map variables to aesthetics, what kind of geometry to use (lines, points, bars etc.), and it takes care of the details. Go to docs…

ggplot2 logo

dplyr (wrangling)

dplyr provides a grammar of data manipulation, providing a consistent set of verbs that solve the most common data manipulation challenges. Go to docs…

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tidyr (tidying)

tidyr provides a set of functions that help you get to tidy data. Tidy data is data with a consistent form: in brief, every variable goes in a column, and every column is a variable. Go to docs…

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readr (read & import)

readr provides a fast and friendly way to read rectangular data (like csv, tsv, and fwf). It is designed to flexibly parse many types of data found in the wild, while still cleanly failing when data unexpectedly changes. Go to docs…

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purrr (mapping)

purrr enhances R’s functional programming (FP) toolkit by providing a complete and consistent set of tools for working with functions and vectors. Once you master the basic concepts, purrr allows you to replace many for loops with code that is easier to write and more expressive. Go to docs…

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tibble (enhanced data frames)

tibble is a modern re-imagining of the data frame, keeping what time has proven to be effective, and throwing out what it has not. Tibbles are data.frames that are lazy and surly: they do less and complain more forcing you to confront problems earlier, typically leading to cleaner, more expressive code. Go to docs…

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stringr (strings)

stringr provides a cohesive set of functions designed to make working with strings as easy as possible. It is built on top of stringi, which uses the ICU C library to provide fast, correct implementations of common string manipulations. Go to docs…

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forcats (factors)

forcats provides a suite of useful tools that solve common problems with factors. R uses factors to handle categorical variables, variables that have a fixed and known set of possible values. Go to docs…

Tidyverse essentials

If you get to know the basics of ggplot, dplyr, tidyr and readr you will be well-equiped to approach and tackle most data analysis tasks. Once you become a more advanced user and start to feel that you lack in functionality, the other tidyverse packages will be rather easy to learn swiftly.


All of these packages add-up in terms of functionality and are designed and meant to be used together! I highly recommend to read/scan through the documentation and make a bookmark in an R/tidyverse folder or something similar. This way, you’ll be one click away from help in case you get stuck while trying to get one or more of these functions to work in your own projects.